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Meanwhile the iPhone 5S, an iPhone 6 concept

Lately, we mainly talk about the next iPhone 5S and iPhone 'cheap' or '5 C ' . here's a concept iPhone 6 which is the pride of the screen while removing the Home button . This concept, signed by Claudio Guglieri, offers a screen that covers the front but also the sides of the iPhone...

Need a more powerful flash? This Iblazr for iPhone and iPad

Despite the advances of iPhone photo and flash sensor, take photos in dark surroundings sometimes give disappointing results. To address this concern, here is a new project funding platform Kickstarter participatory, the iblazr a fully synchronized flash for iPhone and iPad, small, powerful and versatile  : The iblazr integrates four...

Apple launches a program to replace faulty chargers

The survey showed that the charger (unofficial Apple) was probably responsible for the accident. To prevent this from happening again, Apple is launching a program to replace the USB charger for iPhone, iPod and iPad defective or counterfeit. (Last updated 13/08/2013) The program arrives in France From August 16 , it will...

12 new games iPhone / iPad out today to discover in video: BattleFriends in Tanks, Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Perfect Kick, etc ...

Thursday is the day of the outputs of the new games on the App Store and that same August 15 then no truce for gamers! Here is our dedicated article, like every week, which are presented in a selection of the latest games available on iPhone and iPad also often. This week, with a selection of games such as BattleFriends...

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